
Problem H
Data Race

You have T threads that are writing to a circular data structure with N positions (each position storing a single integer), and all of the threads write 1 integer per second. Each thread i starts writing at time ti, from position pi in the data structure, and it writes vi occurrences of an integer ai to the circular data structure. The thread will write to each position sequentially (starting from pi, and then writing to (pi+1)%N, (pi+2)%N, and so on). If it reaches index N1, the next index will be 0 since the data structure is circular. If two or more threads try to write different integers at the same time to the same position, a race condition occurs, which means the value at that spot is indeterminate, because it could be one of many values depending on which thread succeeded the write operation. However, if the threads all write the value v to the same position at the same time, the value at that position will be v since there is no ambiguity.

For example, in the first sample case, the end result of the data structure is {1,0,1,1,0}. Even though threads 2 and 3 write to the same spots at the same time, this does not cause a race condition since they write the same integer.
On the other hand, in the second sample case, the end result of the data structure is {1,0,?,?,0} where ? represents an indeterminate character, since two threads write different characters at the same time to the same position.

The values that the threads can write are in the range [0,A). At the end of all the thread writes, for each integer i[0,A), there are ki occurrences of i. Given that every position in the data structure was initialized to 0 before any threads started writing, print all ki in order, and at the end, print the number of indeterminate characters.


The first line of the input contains three space-separated integers, T(1T50000), N(1N109), A(1A100000). These represent the number of threads, the size of the circular data structure, and the number of integers that the threads can write to the data structure respectively.
Another T lines follow with four space-separated integers ti(0ti109), pi(0pi<N), vi(1vi109), ai(0ai<A). These represent the time that thread i starts writing, the position it starts writing from, the number of values it writes, and the number it writes to each position. Each thread writes 1 integer per second.


Output A+1 space-separated numbers k0k1kA1k? where ki represents the amount of times the number i appears in the data structure after all threads finish writing for 0i<A. k? represents the amount of times an indeterminate character appears in the data structure after all threads finish writing.

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
3 5 2
0 0 1 1
1 2 2 1
1 2 2 1
2 3 0
Sample Input 2 Sample Output 2
3 5 2
0 0 1 1
1 2 2 0
1 2 2 1
2 1 2

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